
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A Whirlwind

Some crazy things have been happening in our world lately. I am honestly stunned at the possibilities that are ahead and all the doors that God seems to be opening. I don't even know where to start.... shortly after Jason and I decided that we would like to become foster parents we were approached by someone we know, and who has known Jason's family for a long time, with the possibility to become foster/adoptive parents for their niece's daughter. She is in foster care right now and will soon be up for adoption but the foster mom she is with is not interested in adoption so she needs a new placement. Her name is Giavanna and she is 16 months old.
At first we were very hesitant to enter into something like this. We had so many questions. What if we fall in love with her and want to adopt? What would that look like since we know her family members? Are we ready to be parents so soon? And to a 1 year old? So many questions with only one staring us in the face... {if we say no, are we closing the door on God? So we have to say yes and see what He says right?}
Well that's exactly what we did. We said yes to a God possibility and decided to see what He said about the situation. Our friend talked to the case worker the next day and to our surprise her response was a huge yes, let's see what a judge will say! So now we are waiting. Waiting to see what God says. We see a judge on the 26th and they will determine if Gia will be able to be placed with us.
In a few short weeks the possibility of us becoming parents to a beautiful 1 year old girl is very real! We are excited, scared, overwhelmed, trying not to get ahead of ourselves, yet planning so many things for the future. Please keep us in your prayers in the coming week. That God will give us the answers that fit His plans and not our own. That if Gia is meant to be our daughter He will prepare us for the crazy adventure ahead!

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